CHIC Team Wins the Best Advanced Practice Paper at IMS 2020

Caltech team consisting of M. Gal-Katziri, A. Fikes, F. Bohn*, B. Abiri*, M.R. Hashemi and A. Hajimiri won the Best Advanced Practice Paper at IMS 2020 for the paper entitled: Scalable, Deployable, Flexible Phased Array Sheets. The paper presents a lightweight flexible active RF fabric that enables large aperture deployable phased arrays for terrestrial and space applications. The flexible phased array design paradigm is enabled by small, multi-function radio frequency integrated circuits and low mass radiators, which avoid conventional dielectric materials. This paper presents a 256 element, 30 cm x 30 cm flexible phased array, operating at 10 GHz and focusing 0.8 W of RF power at 2 m distance. A novel beam-focusing algorithm demonstrates 2-D beam-steering and deformation correction capabilities of the flexible phased array.

*F. Bohn and B. Abiri were formerly with CHIC and currently with GuRu Wireless Inc.